From history to LEGEND
From history to LEGEND
"Mañana fría.
Mañana fría de tierra caliente.
La taza de moka.
La pipa. La Pipa.
La taza de moka y el ajedrez y sus escaques.
El vaso de vodka y el vaso de gin".
Apart from SONGS IN PROSE by the master LEÓN DE GREIFF

Other developments
- The second innovation is CAFETO FRUIT, which is the roasting of the whole coffee fruit with all its layers (pulp, mucilage, parchment, cuticle and almond), offering a drink with organoleptic characteristics similar to conventional coffee, with fragrances. and aromas of red wine, chocolate, red fruits, floral tones and its flavor is fruity, similar to a mixture of tea and coffee.
- The third innovation is the Coffee FRUIT EXTRACT, which is from the extraction and refining of the drink prepared with CAFETO FRUIT, which has a very high concentration of CHLOROGENIC ACID, ANTIOXIDANTS, as well as containing OMEGA 3 and 9.
- And let's go for the next...
Research and develop products from coffee roasting, based on knowledge, science, and common sense, making use of continuous improvement, evaluating disruptive ideas, respecting the environment and seeking energy efficiencies.
Develop and implement technologically and financially the PAYANA project at a national and international level in the next five years.
"Now is when the story ends and the legend begins."
Apart from "The last Legion" by VALERIO MASSIMO MANFREDI
"Mañana fría.
Mañana fría de tierra caliente.
La taza de moka.
La pipa. La Pipa.
La taza de moka y el ajedrez y sus escaques.
El vaso de vodka y el vaso de gin".
Apart from SONGS IN PROSE by the master LEÓN DE GREIFF
Our history
We began with the development of a ROASTING system, in which the most appreciated fragrances, aromas and flavors are preserved, additionally ensuring that the drinks prepared with our products are free of ACRYLAMIDES.

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Research and develop products from coffee roasting, based on knowledge, science, and common sense, making use of continuous improvement, evaluating disruptive ideas, respecting the environment and seeking energy efficiencies.